Seed's journey


Embarking on a poetic exploration, my verses delve into the profound odyssey of seeds. These unassuming carriers of life hold within them the secrets of growth, resilience, and transformation. Join me as I unravel the captivating narrative of the seed's journey, a story woven with nature's whispers and the promise of tomorrow.

Under the womb of the jungle,

A tiny seed finds its space.

It rests in the earth, a silent start,

Much like a dream, a work of art.

With patience and time, it awakens its might,

Pushing through darkness, seeking the light.

Just like our journey, uncertain and long,

We too find strength when things seem wrong.

Raindrops caress, a tender


Nurturing life's delicate bliss.

Just as tears cleanse a soul's hidden pain,

Cultivating growth through life's pouring rain.

Roots delve deep, an anchor to hold,

Like our experiences, stories untold.

The struggles we face, the challenges we meet,

Shape our character, make us complete.

Branches unfurl, reaching for sky,

Ambitions and dreams that soar up high.

Much like our aspirations, beyond our sight,

The seedling's journey mirrors our flight.

Through storms that may rage, and winds that may blow,

The tree stands tall, a resilient show.

Just as we weather life's trials anew,

We grow through adversities we push through.

In the end, from a seed so small,

A towering tree stands strong and tall.

A reflection of life's transformative art,

Blossoming inward, from soul's inner part.


As the ink of this poetic journey dries, I am reminded that life, much like these seeds, is a continuous voyage of possibilities. May the essence of their journey inspire us to embrace change, nurture resilience, and sow the seeds of our own dreams. Just as these words find their place, may you too find your purpose and flourish. Thank you for sharing in this exploration with me. Until our paths cross again, keep nurturing your own garden of thoughts and aspirations.
